Flood Hazard Assessment from Storm Tides, Rain and Sea Level Rise for a Tidal River-Estuary
This research was primarily funded by New York State Energy Research and Development
Authority (NYSERDA; Agreements 28258, 28258A). We would like to acknowledge the vision
and leadership of Mark G. Becker (1961-2014), who was an original Principal Investigator for
the project. Amanda Stevens, Jane Mills and Dara Mendeloff also played important roles in the
project. Funding also came from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Centers call for support of the National Climate Assessment (Agreements NNX12AI28G and
NNX15AD61G) and Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (NASA-ROSES-2012;
grant NNX14AD48G). Modeling was made possible by a grant of computer time from the City
University of New York High Performance Computing Center under NSF Grants CNS-0855217
and CNS-0958379.