Simulated microgravity promotes the formation of tridimensional cultures and stimulates pluripotency and a glycolytic metabolism in human hepatic and biliary tree stem/progenitor cells
Many pivotal biological cell processes are affected by gravity. The aim of our study was to evaluate biological and functional effects, differentiation potential and exo-metabolome profile of simulated microgravity (SMG) on human hepatic cell line (HepG2) and human biliary tree stem/progenitor cells (hBTSCs). Both hBTSCs and HepG2 were cultured in a weightless and protected environment SGM produced by the Rotary Cell Culture System (Synthecon) and control condition in normal gravity (NG). Self-replication and differentiation toward mature cells were determined by culturing hBTSCs in Kubota's Medium (KM) and in hormonally defined medium (HDM) tailored for hepatocyte differentiation. The effects on the expression and cell exo-metabolome profiles of SMG versus NG cultures were analyzed. SMG promotes tridimensional (3D) cultures of hBTSCs and HepG2. Significative increase of stemness gene expression (p