Characterization of monolithic GAGG:Ce coupled to both PMT and SiPM array for gamma imaging in nuclear medicine

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Pani R., Pergola A., Bettiol M., Longo M., Polito C., Falconi R., De Sio L., Pontico M., Pani P., Indovina L., Vincentis G. De, Pellegrini R., Frantellizzi V.
ISSN: 1748-0221

Abstract: GaGG:Ce scintillation crystal is very useful for nuclear imaging purposes, thanks to its several advantages (high density, short decay time, high light yield and good energy resolution, no self-activity, no hygroscopic). However, only the recent improvements in the growth processes make it available with large size, in order to use it in monolithic configuration. The main drawbacks of pixelated crystals, as non-uniform response, high production costs and optical light loss, could be therefore overcome. In this work the characterization of this promising crystal coupled both to a single channel PMT (spectrometric purpose) and to a new technology SiPM (50% PDE and 74% geometrical fill factor) has been performed. The detection efficiency results good both for SPECT (87% at 122 keV) and for PET (18% at 356 keV) applications. However, the unexpected result arises from the energy resolution: at 356 keV 8.9% and 8.0% for single channel PMT and SiPM configuration, respectively. In other terms, the used SiPM allows to achieve higher energy resolution than single channel PMT. Moreover, a high imaging performance has been observed, with a millimeter intrinsic spatial resolution.

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