An Innovative GIS-Based Territorial Information Tool for the Evaluation of Corporate Properties: An Application to the Italian Context
The financial transmission of the USA's housing price bubble has highlighted the inadequacy of the valuation methods adopted by the credit institutions, due to their static nature and inability to understand complex socio-economic dynamics and their related effects on the real estate market. The present research deals with the current issue of using Automated Valuation
Methods for expeditious assessments in order to monitor and forecast market evolutions in the short and medium term. The paper aims to propose an evaluative model for the corporate market segment, in order to support the investors’, the credit institutions’ and the public entities’ decision processes. The application of the proposed model to the corporate real estate segment market of the cities of Rome and Milan (Italy) outlines the potentialities of this approach in property big data
management. The elaboration of input and output data in the GIS (Geographic Information System) environment allowed the development of an intuitive platform for the immediate representation of the results and their easy interpretation, even to non-expert users.