Nor-lignans. Occurrence in plants and biological activities. A review
01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Frezza Claudio, Venditti Alessandro, Toniolo Chiara, De Vita Daniela, Franceschin Marco, Ventrone Antonio, Tomassini Lamberto, Foddai Sebastiano, Guiso Marcella, Nicoletti Marcello, Serafini Mauro, Bianco Armandodoriano
ISSN: 1420-3049
In this review article, the occurrence of nor-lignans and their biological activities are explored and described. Nor-lignans have proven to be present in several different families also belonging to chemosystematically distant orders as well as to have many different beneficial pharmacological activities. This review article represents the first one on this argument and is thought to give a first overview on these compounds with the hope that their study may continue and increase, after this.