Passive radar DPCA schemes with adaptive channel calibration
This paper addresses the problem of direct signal interference (DSI) and clutter cancellation for passive radar systems on moving platforms employing displaced phase centre antenna (DPCA) approach. Attention is focused on the development of signal processing strategies able to compensate for the limitations deriving from amplitude and phase imbalances that affect the two channels employed on receive. First, we show that using the signal received from the illuminator of opportunity as a source for channels calibration might be ineffective when DSI and clutter echoes have different directions of arrival, due to the effect of angle-dependent channel imbalance. Then, a two-stage strategy is proposed, consisting of a preliminary DSI removal stage at each receive channel, followed by a clutter-based calibration approach that basically enables an effective DPCA clutter suppression. Different strategies for channel calibration are proposed, aimed at compensating for potential angle and range dependent channel errors, based on the maximization of the cancellation performance. Effectiveness of this scheme is shown against experimental data from a DVB-T based moving passive radar, in the presence of both real and synthetic moving targets.