Effect of culture residence time on substrate uptake and storage by a pure culture of Thiothrix (CT3 strain) under continuous or batch feeding
A pure culture of the filamentous bacterium Thiothrix, strain CT3, was aerobically cultured in a chemostat under continuous acetate feeding at three different culture residence times (RT 6, 12 or 22 d) and the same volumetric organic load rate (OLR 0.12 gCOD/L/d).
Cells cultured at decreasing RT in the chemostat had an increasing transient response to acetate spikes in batch tests. The maximum specific acetate removal rate increased from 25 to 185 mgCOD/gCOD/h, corresponding to a 1.8 to 8.1 fold higher respective steady-state rate in the chemostat. The transient response was mainly due to acetate storage in the form of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), whereas no growth response was observed at any RT. Interestingly, even though the storage rate also decreased as the RT increased, the storage yield increased from 0.41 to 0.50 COD/COD. This finding does not support the traditional view that storage plays a more important role as the transient response increases.
The transient response of the steady-state cells was much lower than in cells cultured under periodic feeding (at 6 d RT, from 82 to 247 mgCOD/gCOD/h), with the latter cells showing both storage and growth responses. On the other hand, even though steady-state cells had no growth response and their storage rate was also less, steady-state cells showed a higher storage yield than cells cultured under dynamic feeding. This suggests that in Thiothrix strain CT3, the growth response is triggered by periodic feeding, whereas the storage response is a constitutive mechanism, independent from previous acclimation to transient conditions.