Appunti di storia della ricodificazione francese
This essay explores the history of the recodification of contract law in the
Code civil des Français.
After a first part in which the theory of recodification is discussed, the paper verifies how the possibility of reforming contract law was debated in each of the different phases of the history of French private law after 1804. In doing so, it outlines the reasons behind the failure of all the various reform projects prior to the 2016-2018 réforme. The history of missed opportunities shows that what Jean Carbonnier stated concerning codification is also true for recodification: «il n’est pas besoin de beaucoup d’intelligence: tout est donné par les précédents du passé et les demandes d’un présent où s’amorce le futur. Seulement, il faut y appliquer beaucoup de volonté»