The psycho-physiology of the mind-body union in Plato’s Timaeus

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Fronterotta F.

In this paper I examine Plato’s conception of the relation between soul and body in the Timaeus. The following points are discussed: (1) soul and body are distinct substances (30a-b; 41c; 42e-43a); (2) soul and body are necessarily connected in a close interaction to give birth to the individual living being (34c; 36e; 41d; 42a); (3) the modalities of the interaction be-tween soul and body (34a-37c); (4) the “place” of the interaction between soul and body 73b-d); (5) the nature of the interaction between soul and body as the proper “self” of the individual living being (41a-44c; 69c-71d; 73b-d).

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