Ricomprendere la logica espositiva e curatoriale nell'Artworld contemporaneo. La posizione critico-resistenziale di Tomaso Montanari e Vincenzo Trione
The paper aims to highlight the theoretical productivity of the “critical-resistance position” promoted by Tomaso Montanari and Vincenzo Trione, in their recent pamphlet “Contro le mostre” (Torino, 2017), in the context of a new understanding of the curatorial and expositive logic in the contemporary Artworld. In this perspective, particular emphasis is devoted to the possible significant assonance between the need, claimed by the authors, of the expositive location rethinking as an “elaborative space”, that constitutively is open to the “production of the possible”, and the aesthetical-philosophical paradigm elaborated by Th. W. Adorno, in particular with regard to the “auratic” dimension of art and to the nexus “art-thinking”.