Exergy analysis of a PWR nuclear steam supply system – Part I, general theoretical model

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
ISSN: 1876-6102

The paper provides an alternative, novel methodology to perform the exergetic analysis of a Pressurized Nuclear Reactor (PWR) based on the strictest definition of fission temperature to get to a careful evaluation of Exergy Destruction and exergetic Efficiency of the component.
Up today, the exegetic analyses of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) have been based on the assumption that Fission Exergy and Fission Energy are almost the same having assumed Carnot Factor almost equal to 1 as Tfiss >>T0. This assumption is based on some simplified hypotheses concerning fission temperature as applied in the definition of the Fission Exergy itself, whose value, to the best knowledge of the authors, was never modeled.
On the contrary, in the first part of the paper, the authors present the results of an ongoing research, just aimed at evaluating the Exergy efficiency of the heat exchange in a PWR reactor, whose first results were already presented in [1], based on the most detailed modeling of Tfiss. The modeling, referring to a steady-state operational mode of the Reactor, takes into account all heat transfer phenomena between nuclear fuel UO2, its Zircaloy clad, cooling water, vessel material and the external environment.
In the second part of the paper, the Exergy analysis is extended to all main Reactor Cooling System components (Vertical recirculating type Steam Generator, primary coolant pump and piping) with the aim to compare the Exergy Destructions and exergetic Efficiencies of the RPV with those of the other components of the Nuclear Steam Supply System, NSSS.
In the Part II of the same paper,, "Exergy Analysis of a PWR Nuclear Steam Supply System - II part: a case study ", a test case is exemplified with the aim to compare the results obtained applying the methodology in question with those obtained applying the most established methodology adopted by other authors.

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