A Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer of Laminar Multiple Slot Jets Impinging on Multiple Protruding Heat Sources
The flow and heat transfer behavior of laminar incompressible slot jets impingement cooling of an array of heated surfaces in a channel have been investigated numerically. The computations are done for a variety of values of slot jets Reynolds number, channel height and distance between two heated blocks. The influences of these geometrical and physical parameters are predicted. The results, streamline contour, velocity profile, isothermal contour, local Nusselt number, and average Nusselt number are compared and documented. The first and second recirculation cells size are gradually increased, and the highest heat transfer rate is attained when Reynolds number increased. However, the heat transfer rates are decreased when channel height increased. The peak local Nusselt number value is noticed at stagnation point of the first block by first jet, and the second peak local Nusselt number value is observed at fourth block by second jet. The distances between two blocks play a significant role in the downstream velocity which leads to create the strong recirculation cells in between the two heated blocks when the distance between the two blocks increased.