inflatable penile prosthesis placement, scratch technique and postoperative vacuum therapy as a combined approach to definitive treatment of Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease is a devastating condition resulting in penile malformation, erectile dysfunction, pain and emotional distress. In this prospective, 2 institution study we evaluated a multimodal surgical and mechanical combined approach to the definitive treatment of Peyronie's disease and concomitant erectile dysfunction. Materials and Methods: A total of 145 select patients underwent endocavernous disruption of Peyronie’s disease plaques via the scratch technique, followed by inflatable penile prosthesis insertion. Postoperatively patients were assigned to vacuum device therapy for 3 minutes twice daily to continue penile curvature correction. Followup continued for 1 year after surgery. Anatomical and functional results were assessed. Results: (omissis). Conclusions: Our novel combination of intraoperative and postoperative therapies in the treatment of patients with Peyronie’s disease and an inflatable penile pros- thesis was safe and efficacious with excellent functional outcomes. Penile curvature corrections were statistically significant and complications were negligible.