Advanced maternal age and pregnancy outcome: experience in a tertiary care center
Purpose of investigation: The aim of this study is to compare pregnancy outcomes between women older than 35 years and a control group composed by younger patients. Materials and Methods: The study involves pregnant women admitted to the present Department from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Enrolled pregnants were divided into two groups: group 1 (“cases”) included women over 35 years and group 2 (“controls”) included women younger than 35 years. Clinical data were collected through the patients’ obstetrical files. Results: Study population was composed of 2,030 patients, divided into two groups: group 1 including 844 women and group 2 including 1,186 women. The authors analysed clinical and obstetrical data regarding spontaneous miscarriage (SM), elective pregnancy termination (EPT), mode of delivery, incidence of obstetrics complications, and neonatal outcome. Conclusions: Women of advanced maternal age (AMA) have a greater risk to develop several obstetric complications. It is very important to follow them closely in order to detect early complications and obtain better pregnancy outcome.