Clinical outcomes after resectoscopic treatment of cesarean-induced isthmocele: a prospective case-control study
OBJECTIVE: Isthmocele represents a reservoir on the anterior wall of the uterine isthmus or of the cervical canal at the site of a previous cesarean delivery scar. Recently, it has been clarified that it might be the cause of several gynecologic symptoms, as most common abnormal uterine bleeding. Hysteroscopy and trans-vaginal ultrasound are considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of this defect. Resectoscopic treatment can be considered effective in small size defects, but no randomized clinical trials are available. This is a prospective controlled study to assess feasibility and efficacy of surgical hysteroscopic treatment of cesarean-induced isthmocele on symptom relief. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Diagnostic hysteroscopy was performed as an office procedure in all 47 patients included in the study to confirm and identify the size of the defect. Surgical hysteroscopic treatment was performed in a selected group of patients (n = 23) having no more desire to conceive. Outcomes were measured three months later and compared in the operative hysteroscopy versus diagnostic hysteroscopy group. RESULTS: The duration of periods shortened significantly (p = 0.0003) compared with the duration of menses before operative hysteroscopy in the treated group. Moreover, symptom relief was significantly better in treated patients compared with controls (p