Metastases to The Breast. A Clinical Series From a Single Institution Experience with Review of the Literature
Introduction: Breast metastases although rare are challenging for diagnostic difficulties and management. Treatment differs according to morphological, immunophenotipycal and biologic features of the primary tumor and their general behaviour is extremely different compared to primary breast cancer. The most frequent primary tumors include melanoma, lymphomas, gynecological, pulmonary, head and neck, gastroenteric and urinary tract cancers. Patient’s prognosis is poor being generally associated to disseminated systemic disease with limited survival despite the effects of systemic treatment.
Patients and Methods: We report the analysis of the diagnostic and therapeutic approach on the institutional experience of four cases of breast metastases originating from melanoma, pulmonary adenocarcinoma and differentiated thyroid carcinomas.
Conclusions: The management of breast secondarisms requires focused diagnosis and evaluation in order to provide an adequate treatment with a multidisciplinary approach especially when the primary tumor is unknown.