Proposal of an experimental test at DAΦNE for the low emittance muon beam production from positrons on target

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Boscolo M., Antonelli M., Blanco-García O. R., Collamati F., Guiducci S., Liuzzo S., Voti R Li, Stella A., Raimondi P.
ISSN: 1742-6588

We present in this paper the proposal of an experimental test at DAΦNE of the positron-ring-plus-target scheme foreseen in the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator. This test would be a validation of the on-going studies for LEMMA and it would be synergic with other proposals at DAΦNE after the SIDDHARTA-2 run. We discuss the beam dynamics studies for different targets inserted in a proper location through the ring, i.e. where the beam is focused and dispersion-free. The development of the existent diagnostic needed to test the behaviour of the circulating beam is described together with the turn-by-turn measurement systems of charge, lifetime and transverse size. Measurements on the temperature and thermo-mechanical stress on the target are also under study.

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