Wsparcie dla klastròw i sieci przedsiebiorstw w ramach polityki rozwoju obszaròw wiejskich

02 Pubblicazione su volume

The paper, starting from the consideration of the growing rediscovery of the contractual instrument as a form of protection of the agricultural part of the market, in the light of the withdrawal of the former massive EU intervention on the agricultural market since the 2003 CAP reform, examines the EU discipline on the support to clusters and networks in the framework of the rural development policy, evaluated by EU legislator as instruments to stimulate in order to enable the participating agricultural enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness on the market.
The last two paragraphs of the work summarize the network contract institute as outlined by the Italian legal system as a possible model, even in the light of the specificities provided for in the case where the network also or only agricultural enterprises participate.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma