The role of vaginal brachytherapy in stage I endometrial serous cancer. a systematic review
Purpose: Serous adenocarcinoma (uterine serous carcinoma - USC) is a rare and aggressive histologic subtype of endometrial cancer, with a high-rate of recurrence and poor prognosis. The adjuvant treatment for stage I patients is unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of stage I USC treated exclusively with chemotherapy plus vaginal brachytherapy (VBT).Material and methods: A systematic research using PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane library was conducted to identify full articles evaluating the efficacy of VBT in patients with stage I USC. A search in was performed in order to detect ongoing or recently completed trials, and in PROSPERO for searching ongoing or recently completed systematic reviews.Results: All studies were retrospective and 364 of evaluated patients were found. The average local control was 97.5% (range, 91-100%), the disease free-survival was 88% (range, 82-94%), the overall survival was 93% (range, 72-100%), the specific cancer survival was 89.4% (range, 84.8-94%), and the G3-G4 toxicity was 0-8%.Conclusions: These data support the concept that in adequately selected patients, VBT alone may be a suitable radio- therapy technique in women with stage I USC who underwent surgical staging and received adjuvant chemotherapy.