Porphyrins for olfaction mimic: The Rome Tor Vergata approach
The impressive chemistry shown by porphyrins in natural systems is particularly attractive for exploitation in chemical sensors. In these devices the sensing mechanisms can mimic most of the porphyrin biological reactivity, such as reversible binding, activation of small molecules, redox activity, and photoactivated processes. The simultaneous presence of multiple binding mechanisms allows porphyrins to interact with a large variety of analytes. This feature reduces the selectivity, but prompts the development of sensor arrays, where the cross-selectivity of more sensors is used to classify and identify samples characterized by a complex composition. Since 1995 the Sensors Group of the University of Rome Tor Vergata has exploited these features to prepare sensor arrays based on different transducers and aimed at several applications. These kinds of devices have been reported as electronic noses (gaseous phase analytes) and electronic tongues (liquid phase analytes) to underline that their working mechanisms are tentatively similar to that of biological senses. We report here some of the results obtained.