Heading towards 100% of renewable energy sources fraction. A critical overview on smart energy systems planning and flexibility measures

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Pastore L. M., Lo Basso G., Sforzini M., De Santoli L.
ISSN: 2267-1242

The growing penetration of non-programmable energy sources will largely contribute to intensify the renewable capacity firming issues. Providing a higher systems flexibility, i.e. the ability to match the supply and the demand sides as much as possible, is the main challenge to cope with, by adopting new energy planning paradigms. In this framework, different combined strategies, aiming at efficiently integrating that large amount of variable RES (VRES), have to be implemented. In the recent years, the Smart Energy Systems (SES) concept has been introduced to overcome the single-sector approach, promoting a holistic and integrated vision. By that approach, it is possible to exploit synergies between different energy sectors so as to identify the best technical options to globally reduce the primary fossil energy consumption. Starting from a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the most recent international studies dealing with the SES approach, the aim of this paper is to critically review and analyse the role of the main potential flexibility measures applied in the energy planning sector. In detail, Power-to-X and Demand Side Management (DSM) application have been considered, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of such strategies to accomplish the ambitious target of 100% renewable. From this literature review, it emerges how a single strategy adoption is not enough to guarantee the required flexibility level for the whole energy system. Indeed, the best configuration can be attained by integrating different options matching all the external constraints.

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