Methodology and Results on Teaching Maths Using Mobile Robots
In 58 Italian Public Comprehensive Institutes (Istituti Comprensivi), that include Primary and Elementary schools, 2911 students experimented the use of a mobile robot, Sapientino Doc by Clementoni, to learn curricula matters such as Mathematics, Geometry and Geography (MGG). The project “A scuola di coding con Sapientino” was developed during the 2016/2017 regular school year for about 3 months (April–June 2017). The schools were distributed throughout Italy and involved 2911 students from 5 to 8 years old, 155 classes, and 163 teachers. The aim of the research is to demonstrate a learning gain in Mathematics, Geometry and Geography, after the students use a mobile robot during regular lessons held by their own teachers in their classrooms. In this paper, we present the methodology used to develop the project and the results of data analysis.