Determination of bioactive compounds as marker of cultivation techniques: conventional, organic and hydroponic cases
In the recent years, two culvaon techniques have been developed that differ from convenonal agriculture: hydroponic and organic. The hydroponic methods use several substrates like the stone wool or coconut fibers for substute the soil. Organic aim is to reduce the environmental impact (on water, land and air) of agricultural pracces. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the quality parameters of tomatoes coming from convenonal, organic and hydroponic culvaon. The parameters selected was total phenolic compounds, anoxidant capacity and biogenic amines. Anoxidant are able to react with free radicals reducing their reacvity and generang less dangerous molecules easily eliminated from the
body. The presence of biogenic amines (BA) in different foods can be considered a marker of food quality. Furthermore, some BA had posive effect (like serotonin) but others can induce several negave physiological reacons. The profile of 9 biogenic amines were evaluated. The chemical analysis method involved are spectrophotometric (DPPH, ABTS and total phenolic compounds essays) and chromatographic (HPLC-FLD). The different profile of BA and anoxidant in tomatoes has suggested the hypothesis that some of the compounds detected could be typical of a culvaon method and therefore could be explored as potenal markers of authencity of the culvaon reported. For this purpose, principal components analysis (PCA) were used to evaluate results in order to highlight a natural grouping among samples. Subsequently a linear discriminate analysis (LDA) model was constructed to provide a mathemacal model to classify the samples according to culvaon technique.