Le vieillissement actif en Italie : une analyse par genre et par territoire
Active ageing arises from the idea that old people can represent a resource for the society in terms of political, social, economic and cultural contribution; their autonomy and their participation in the labour market and in the society, indeed, have to be encouraged. Focusing on Italy, we investigate the relationships among life cycle, generations and genders within the ageing process and aim to analyse the evolution of active ageing during the last decades by gender and by region. We conduct an analysis over time, using the Active Ageing Index, a statistical tool aimed to examine active ageing outcomes at different levels and to promote a more active role of the elderly in the economic and social life in ageing societies. We use data from various surveys, i.e. the Italian Wave of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), the European Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and the European Social Survey (ESS).