Eustachian tube dysfunction in children with adenoid hypertrophy: the role of adenoidectomy for improving ear ventilation

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Manno A., Iannella G., Savastano V., Vittori T., Bertin S., Pasquariello B., Pace A., Rossetti V., Magliulo G.
ISSN: 0145-5613

Introduction: To our knowledge, few papers have addressed preoperative evaluation of the impact of adenoid hypertrophy (AH) on the pathogenesis of eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) in children with otitis media with effusion (OME). Aim: The aim of this study was 2-fold: first, to evaluate ETD using tubomanometry and Eustachian Tube Score 7 (ETS-7), in a group of children having AH; second, to assess the clinical impact of adenoidectomy on the ETD of these patients. Methods: Fifty patients, aged 4 to 15 years, underwent adenoidectomy based on various parameters: size of the adenoids causing canal obstruction (grades 1-4), the presence of OME, and recurrent episodes of rhinosinusitis. The function of the eustachian tube was evaluated using ETS-7 before and after surgical treatment. The patients were followed up for 6 months. Results: Forty children presented ETD. Of these, 36 had a grade 4 AH. The preoperative mean value for ETS-7 was 6.62. The mean postoperative ETS-7 score showed a value of 9.60 with a statistical difference compared to the preoperative value (P =.0015). Conclusions: Adenoid hypertrophy has a high impact on the frequency of ETD. In the patients observed in the present study, the ETS-7 score appeared to be a valid tool for assessing ETD both preoperatively and postoperatively. Adenoidectomy seemed to be effective in improving ETD as well as middle ear ventilation.

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