Greenwashing? No thanks

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Battisti Alessandra

The crisis of the western lifestyle models compared to problems linked to climate change, and the new roles that cities and buildings must take on the current globalization scenarios favor an emerging culture, and mark a necessary turning point for our civilization.
For many decades the fight against climate change has witneseed the most important nations of the world committing to agreement such as 1992 Kyoto protocol and the 2015 COP21, which are gradually defining the objectives, strategies and actions aimed at the improvement of the life and safeguard of the planet. In this direction, various forms and design languages ​​have been launched which, despite the diversity of the cultural, environmental, territorial, architectural and regulatory reference contexts, have led to the creation and experimentation of responsive climate-oriented projects, according to a vision holistic and ecological, and a systemic approach to reading the built environment.
Laura Pedata's work starts precisely from this vision of the transformation of the built environment gathering and classifying the challenges posed by the ongoing climate change, telling them through documents produced by the sector literature and proposing an integrated rereading that has the various scales of the project as a red thread in which the flows of energy and information interact, whose character and quality are defined by the relationship at different levels from macro to micro.

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