Chapter 3 - Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Vaccine in Neuroinflammation

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Romano Silvia, Ferraldeschi Michela, Buscarinu Maria Chiara, Fornasiero Arianna, Renie' Roberta, Morena Emanuele, Romano Carmela, Mechell Rosella, Vanacore Nicola, Salvetti Marco, Ristori Giovanni

The Value of BCG and TNF in Autoimmune Diseases, Second Edition provides an overview on the current research related to TNF induction and the use of the BCG vaccine as a potential treatment approach to diverse forms of autoimmunity, allergies, infections and neurologic diseases. Since the initial conference (2013) and first edition of this book (2014), the field of BCG research has grown considerably. This new edition contains updates on MS and diabetes, and features at least eight additional chapters on new prevention and treatment trials in autoimmunity and allergy, along with a new understanding of the genetics of BCGs.

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