Management and creation of a new tourist route in the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains using GIS Software, for economic development

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Gentilucci M., Barbieri M., Dalei N. N., Gentilucci E.

This analysis is focused in a small portion of territory in central Italy where the National Park of Sibillini mountains is located. This Park strongly needs a tourist and economic development, so the possibility of creating a new tourist route has been considered. GIS software was used to create and manage the route, using orthophotos and digitizing the required data. The main goal of this study is represented by the creation of an evaluation system for the route, composed by numerous informations managed statistically through GIS software, assessing slope, type of route, road surface, hiking difficulties and passage through towns. This procedure allows a significant improvement in the local economy and a more rational use of available resources, including human ones.

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