Fatigue resistance of two Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments before and after ex vivo root canal treatment

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Miccoli G., Seracchiani M., Del Giudice A., Mazzoni A., D'Angelo M., Bhandi S., Gambarini G., Testarelli L.
ISSN: 1526-3711

Aim: The aim of the present study is twofold: to evaluate cyclic fatigue resistance differences of two different nickel-titanium rotary instruments, brand new and after an ex vivo instrumentation of single root extracted teeth. Materials and methods: Twenty new S One 20.06 were randomly divided into two groups. The first group (n = 10) was immediately subjected to a cyclic fatigue test (S One Group I). The second group (n = 10) (S one Group II) performed a cyclic fatigue test after three ex vivo root canal treatment with a single-file technique. The same process has been carried out for 20 M-Two 20.06 instruments. Results: Mean time to fracture (TtF) for Group I was 51.14 ± 1.28 for S One and 32.62 ± 0.17 for M-Two 20.06 and for Group II was 46.00 ± 0.99 for S One and 27.75 ± 1.58 for M-Two 20.06. The reduction in TtF values from Group I to Group II was 11% for S One and 15% for M-Two. Statistical analysis found significant differences in all the groups examined (p value < 0.05). Mean fragment length (FL) for Group I was 3.07 ± 0.17 for S One and 3.05 ± 0.14 for M-Two 20.06 and for Group II was 3.05 ± 0.07 for S One and 3.05 ± 0.14 for M-Two 20.06. Statistical analysis was pursued, and no significant difference was found (p value > 0.05). Conclusion: The S-One showed significantly more resistance to cyclic fatigue stress than M-Two for both new and used instruments. This validates the hypothesis that the AF H wire enables the S One files to endure more the cyclic fatigue stresses. Clinical significance: This study demonstrates the cyclic fatigue resistance of a new endodontic instrument after repetitive usage.

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