Oral health and quality of life correlated in a population of female prisoners in the city of Latina

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Corridore D., Verre G., Mazur M., Capocci M., Ndokaj A., Rinaldo F., Salvi D., Patti P., Pasqualotto D., Ripari F., Nardi G. M., Vozza I., Luigi Stamegna, Guerra F., Ottolenghi L.
ISSN: 0026-4970

For many years the WHO has dealt with the issue of prisoners health through the publication of specific reports that outline a picture made up of a rather young population suffering mainly from psychic, infectious and oral diseases. Women in prison often come from unfavorable environments and many of them have suffered psycologic problem,
from alcohol or drug addiction and inadequate health care
prior to detention. and bad condition of oral cavity are nothing
more than the direct consequence. Moreover this population
presents a greater risk of traumas of the complex gold-facial,
due to the health implications of the frequent episodes of violence
and abuse that they are found. The aim of the study is
to pay particular attention to the specific health needs of the
inmates and to guarantee a system of promotion of sensitive
oral health, recognizing the opportunity to strengthen and
support the care of one’s own person, promoting the recovery
of esteem and safety.
Methods: The study took place at the Latina District
House “in which prisoners awaiting trial are present and
those sentenced to sentences of less than five years. Inside
the prison there are also 35 prisoners belonging to the high
security AS2 and AS3 circuit, traditionally dedicated to the
detainees belonging to organized terrorist and mafia groups.
Three different questionnaires were used, administered in
a face to face interview mode: EGOHI D II - Full Standard
Clinical Survey From 2007, which collects clinical data such
as CPI and DMFT; Questionnaire OHIP-14, which assesses
the quality of life in relation to oral health and the EGOHID
Adult Questionnaire which collects data on various habits
and lifestyles. The informed consent was made verbally for
each detainee who took part in the visit, and for completing
the questionnaires.
Results: The total female sample is 26 inmates. The age
range is between 20 and 79 years with an average age of 42
and 96.4% is a smoker. 96.2% of the prisoners (25) are Italian
nationals, 3.8% (one inmate) of foreign nationality. The sample
presents a DMFT of 13.84 and poor management of soft
tissue presenting generalized loss of attack in 61.6% of cases,
a plaque index corresponding to 3 in 65.5% and accumulation
of generalized tarate in 57, 7% of cases. The data related to the
OHIP-14 show the presence in more than 50% of the sample
of painful points inside the mouth, difficulty in relaxing and
chewing. In fact, in 62% of the cases the last dental visit was
requested for an emergency intervention.
Conclus ionS: Very often visit of the oral cavity is able to
intercept situations of abuse and violence otherwise silenced.
Good oral health also makes it possible to communicate effectively
and relate positively with the community once the sentence
has ended, also in relation to a potential job placement,
possibly incurring a minor percentage in abuses and acts of
psycho-physical violence. For this reason, the promotion of
a management and prevention campaign in the field of oral
health is desirable to improve the living conditions during and
after the period of detention.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma