The V-Y gluteal fold advancement flap. Outcomes following radical surgery for vulvar malignancies

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Giannini A., Di Donato V., D'Oria O., Schiavi M. C., May J., Benedetti Panici P., Congiu M. A.
ISSN: 0020-7292

Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and complication rate of the V-Y gluteal fold flap in surgery for vulvar cancer. Methods: From June 2015 to June 2018, 62 patients surgically treated for vulvar cancer were included in the study. Twenty-three (37.1%) underwent plastic reconstructive surgery with V-Y advancement flaps. Results: The mean surgical time was longer for patients undergoing V-Y flap surgery. The margins were positive in six patients (9.7%), close (<8 mm) in 10 (16.1%), and adequate (>8 mm) in 46 (74.2%). Six (9.7%) patients had dehiscence and two (3.2%) patients suffered from necrosis. In patients undergoing V-Y flap reconstruction, two (8.7%) had a wound dehiscence, no patients had necrosis. In patients undergoing direct closure, four (10.3%) had wound dehiscence and two (5.1%) had necrosis. Conclusions: V-Y gluteal fold advancement technique is a safe procedure, performed in a single surgical session with minimal increase in surgical time and low wound healing complications. Use of this technique was correlated with an increased rate of adequate surgical margins (<8 mm) and reduced need for adjuvant radiotherapy.

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