Integrating enhanced peer assessment features in Moodle Learning Management System
Peer assessment has increasingly proven its benefits for the learning process and several educational platforms have been proposed to support it. Rather than developing yet another standalone tool, in this paper we aim to integrate an existing Bayesian Network-based peer evaluation approach in a widely used learning management system, Moodle. This allows to capitalize both on the successful peer assessment model and on the broad range of educational functionalities provided by the learning management system. More specifically, we start from Moodle Workshop plugin, which supports the management of peer assessment sessions, and extend it with several features: i) support for student modeling based on Bayesian Network approach; ii) various metrics regarding the reliability of the computed models; iii) enhanced visualizations and comparisons of learner models and session results. The paper describes the solution proposed for extending the plugin in terms of mechanisms, pedagogical rationale, implementation and functionalities.