The gender gap at home and in the labour market: the case of Italy
The paper focuses on gender inequalities both in housework and in labour market in Italy. We will first give a brief review on the previous literature with reference to Italy (Section 1) and illustrate trends in housework in Italy over the years (Section 2). Then, we will recall the main sociological and economic theoretical approaches explaining gender inequality in family work (Section 3). In the empirical section, we propose an original statistical analysis of the most recent Italian Time Use Survey (Istat, 2008-09) with the aim of estimating which factors affect the amount of time men and women allocate on management of the house and if they change with age (Section 4).in the second part of the chapter we will analyse the data from the Italian Labour Force Surveys (Istat, 2015) concerning employment, unemployment and inactivity according to gender and age from 2004 to 2013. we discuss the sociological aspects of the gender gap into the labour market. In the following four Sections, we present the main results obtained by studying in-entrance, horizontal and vertical segregation, and gender gap in working conditions. A general discussion ends the paper.