Il Progetto urbano della centralità di Anagnina Romanina

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Ricci Laura, Mariano Carmela
ISSN: 1129-8219

The new conception of History of the current PRG of the City of Rome reaffirms the centrality of the design dimension of the protection and enhancement of the Historic city within the regeneration strategies of the contemporary city. For these purposes, as part of the model put in place by the Plan, the management regulatory approach operatively declines one of the two development lines of this new conception, which attributes the “historical” character and a structuring value to the whole «of materials, references (...) able to stimulate a more aware planning of the history of the places and attentive to the values of the contexts», so that they can actively contribute to the regeneration processes of the city and of the peripheral and marginal territory. In this framework, the paper proposes to illustrate the experience of the Urban project of the Centrality of Romanina.

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