Il ruolo delle reti della mobilità dolce per una nuova urbanità post Covid-19
After the explosion of the pandemic crisis all over the world, reflections and experiments have been developed by the city governments in order to reshape the relationship among the different mobility systems, imagining new ways to use infrastructures and radically rethink the public space and related urban land use. The paper goal is the exploration of the new conditions that the Covid 19 emergency is determining in urban modal shift, in particular highlighting the rising demand of “active mobility” (pedestrians, bikes and other light vectors) and related consequences on the relationship with the public space system. Some European “tactical urbanism” initiatives are briefly mentioned and the “Ville du quart d'heure” case in Paris is explored as virtuous strategic approach of “urbanity” recovery. Final comments are developed about the Italian condition and the potentials related to the innovative implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.