Glutaminase activity and glutamine-dependent acid resistance in enteric bacteria

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Pennacchietti Eugenia, D’Alonzo Chiara, Freddi Luca, Occhialini Alessandra, DE BIASE Daniela

Many neutralophilic bacteria have developed several strategies to overcome the life-threatening effect of the exposure to a mild-to-harsh acid stress [1]. Among these strategies, the amino acid-dependent systems were shown to be quite widespread amongst gram-positive and –negative bacteria, and their activities overlap so to cover a rather large pH range, from 6 to We have undertaken a bioinformatic analysis to study the distribution of the glutaminase-dependent AR system in enteric bacteria and developed two assays. The first assay was developed for a rapid screening of the glutaminase activity and the growth conditions that support its maximum expression. The second assay was developed to measure the amount of glutamate/GABA exported. Our results indicate that the glutamine-dependent AR is likely to be of prominent importance in enteric bacteria.

[1] Lund et al. (2014) FEMS MIcrobiol Rev 38:1091-125. [2] Lu et al. (2013) Cell Res 23:635–644. [3] Teixeira et al. (2014) Food Microbiol 42:172-180. [4] Freddi et al. (2017) Front Microbiol 8:2236.

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