Sustainable Italian cities: The added value of biomethane from organic waste
This work focuses on the profitability of biomethane plants and the environmental benefits obtained recovering the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in Italy. The economic model is based on the calculations of the net present value, considering multiple capacities of biomethane production (ranging from 50 to 500 m3/h) and alternative scenarios based on the variation in subsidies, the selling price of biomethane, and the net revenues from the treatment of organic waste. The environmental analysis quantifies the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions obtained by natural gas vehicles fueled by biomethane. The economic and environmental results encourage energy change that can be achieved by municipalities that support the transformation of natural resources into green fuels. Across 15 Italian municipalities, the potential biomethane production varies from 80.4 million m3/year to 102.8 million m3/year, with an overall net present value ranging from 135 to 187 million €. In addition, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions varies from 127 to 162 thousand-ton CO2eq/year. Both the economic and environmental results demonstrate that biomethane is a renewable resource with added value for municipalities.