Paolo Sapienza


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Elective Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) for the Treatment of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms of 5.0–5.5 cm: Differences between Men and Women JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023
Discontinuity of marginal artery at splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction: A systematic review and meta-analysis COLORECTAL DISEASE 2023
Safety and efficacy of intraperitoneal drain placement after emergency colorectal surgery. An international, prospective cohort study COLORECTAL DISEASE 2023
Expenses related with a well organized information about risk factors for stroke reduce mortality and burden, with diminished total health expenses JOURNAL OF STROKE AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES 2023
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Variants of the Obturatory Artery JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023
Guidelines for the Treatment of Abdominal Abscesses in Acute Diverticulitis: An Umbrella Review JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023
Percutaneous cholecystostomy as bridge to surgery vs surgery in unfit patients with acute calculous cholecystitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis SURGEON 2023
Colonic Resection, Stoma, or Self-expanding Metal Stents for Obstructive Left Colon Cancer: the CROSCO-1 study protocol MINERVA SURGERY 2023
An invited commentary on "Survival outcomes of neoadjuvant therapy followed by radical resection versus upfront surgery for stage I-III pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a retrospective cohort study" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2023
Effect of centre volume on pathological outcomes and postoperative complications after surgery for colorectal cancer: results of a multicentre national study BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2023
Temporary intravascular shunts and limb salvage in civilian vascular trauma FRONTIERS IN SURGERY 2023
Reduced atmospheric levels of PM2.5 and decreased admissions and surgery for Ischemic stroke in Italy JOURNAL OF STROKE AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES 2023
Safety and efficacy of intraperitoneal drain placement after emergency colorectal surgery. An international, prospective cohort study COLORECTAL DISEASE 2023
Acute cholecystitis management in high-risk, critically ill, and unfit-for-surgery patients: the Italian Society of Emergency Surgery and Trauma (SICUT) guidelines UPDATES IN SURGERY 2023
E-FAST in unstable traumatic patients, a valid attempt to diagnose a diaphragmatic injury. THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY 2023
Splenic artery embolization in trauma, is it a worthwhile procedure? THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY 2023
Results of emergency surgery for complicated acute diverticulitis in elderly patients. A single center control study. THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY 2023
Impact of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination on postoperative mortality in patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection BJS OPEN 2022
Emergency surgery admissions and the COVID-19 pandemic: did the first wave really change our practice? Results of an ACOI/WSES international retrospective cohort audit on 6263 patients WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY 2022
Endoscopic stenting and palliative chemotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer: friends or foes? An analysis of the current literature IN VIVO 2022

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma