Gaetano Scarano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
ASK-based spatial multiplexing RGB scheme using symbol-dependent self-interference for detection OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Graph adjacency matrix learning for irregularly sampled markovian natural images 25th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2017 2017
Reconstruction of compressively sampled images using a nonlinear Bayesian prior 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) 2017
On the MIMO multipath channels spatial correlation in shallow water communications OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage 2017
Channel reciprocity analysis for bi-directional shallow water acoustic communications OCEANS 2017 - Anchorage 2017
Steady-state performance of spline adaptive filter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING 2016
A turbo-like transceiver for imperfect orthogonal access in UWB-IR systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Optimized LEDs footprinting for indoor visible light communication networks IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2016
On rethinking cognitive access for underwater acoustic communications IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING 2016
Artifacts removal in NEVI medical images based on moving frame domain texture analysis Proceedings of the 2016 6th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, EUVIP 2016 2016
Camera communication deblurring: A semiblind spatial fractionally-spaced adaptive equalizer with flexible filter support design 2016 6th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, IPTA 2016 2016
Merging color shift keying and complementary pulse position modulation for visible light illumination and communication JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 2015
Attack-Surface Metrics, OSSTMM and Common Criteria Based Approach to “Composable Security” in Complex Systems WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2015
On the mutual information of the VLC channel in the presence of external ambient lighting Information Theory (CWIT), 2015 IEEE 14th Canadian Workshop on 2015
Coverage optimization of 5G atto-cells for visible light communications access Proceedings of Measurements Networking (M N), 2015 IEEE International Workshop 2015
Vessels traffic estimation through image processing applied to acquisitions by hydrophones OCEANS 2015 - Genova 2015
Adaptive PPM Acoustic Detection in very Shallow Water Reservoir OCEANS '15 MTS/IEEE Washington D.C 2015
Acoustic bathymetric mapping in very shallow water reservoir OCEANS '15 Conference proceedings 2015


  • PE7
  • PE7_6
  • PE7_7

Interessi di ricerca

Elaborazione di segnali mono- e bi-dimensionali (immagini): equalizzazione di canale nei sistemi di trasmissione numerici, identificazione di sistemi lineari, stima di parametri di segnale e recupero della portante, restauro (deconvoluzione) d'immagini, analisi, sintesi e classificazione di tessiture, elaborazione di segnale ricevuto da schiere lineari di sensori (array processing), elaborazione e codifica di segnali video, misura della qualità delle immagini dopo codifica con perdite (JPEG, MPEG, H26x), comunicazioni ottiche (Visible Light Communication),  comunicazioni cubacquee (Underwater Communications), elaborazione di segnali e immagini biomediche, classificazione di segnali EEG,


Channel equalization
deconvolution technique
texture analysis
texture synthesis
Texture classification
array signal processing
visible light communication (VLC)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma