Cosimo Durante


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Editorial: Radiofrequency Ablation as an Alternative to Conventional Treatment FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2022
Operation rate and cancer prevalence among thyroid nodules with FNAC report of suspicious for malignancy (TIR4) or malignant (TIR5) according to Italian classification system: a systematic review and meta-analysis ENDOCRINE 2022
Lenvatinib for the Treatment of Radioiodine-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Treatment Optimization for Maximum Clinical Benefit THE ONCOLOGIST 2022
An International Survey on Utilization of Five Thyroid Nodule Risk Stratification Systems: A Needs Assessment with Future Implications THYROID 2022
Interest of researchers in ultrasound systems for risk stratification of thyroid nodules (TIRADS): a systematic review CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL IMAGING 2022
Raman Spectroscopy Discloses Altered Molecular Profile in Thyroid Adenomas DIAGNOSTICS 2021
Molecular analysis of fine-needle aspiration cytology in thyroid disease CURRENT OPINION IN OTOLARYNGOLOGY & HEAD AND NECK SURGERY 2021
Variazioni epidemiologiche delle neoplasie tiroidee nel tempo: ruolo della nutrizione iodica L'ENDOCRINOLOGO 2021
In silico drug repurposing in COVID-19. A network-based analysis BIOMÉDECINE & PHARMACOTHÉRAPIE 2021
The role of FOSL1 in stem-like cell reprogramming processes SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Thyroid nodule characterization: how to assess the malignancy risk. update of the literature DIAGNOSTICS 2021
Minimal Extrathyroidal Extension in Predicting 1-Year Outcomes: A Longitudinal Multicenter Study of Low-to-Intermediate-Risk Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (ITCO#4) THYROID 2021
Analysis of serum microRNA in exosomal vehicles of papillary thyroid cancer ENDOCRINE 2021
Preoperative ultrasonography in the evaluation of suspected familial non-medullary thyroid cancer: are we able to predict multifocality and extrathyroidal extension? JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021
TIRADS, SRE and SWE in INDETERMINATE thyroid nodule characterization: Which has better diagnostic performance? LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2021
Management of cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules: Primum non nocere POLSKIE ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY WEWNETRZNEJ 2021
Management of cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules: Primum non nocere POLSKIE ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY WEWNETRZNEJ 2021
Screening for differentiated thyroid cancer in selected populations THE LANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY 2020
Molecular defects in thyroid dysgenesis CLINICAL GENETICS 2020
Taller-than-wide shape: a new definition improves the specificity of TIRADS systems EUROPEAN THYROID JOURNAL 2020

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