Fabrizio Conti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Autophagy modulation in lymphocytes from COVID-19 patients. new therapeutic target in SARS-COV-2 infection FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 2020
Increased eryptosis in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS): a new actor in the pathogenesis of APS CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2020
Autophagy occurs in lymphocytes infiltrating sjögren’s syndrome minor salivary glands and correlates with histological severity of salivary gland lesions ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY 2020
Validation of thymic stromal lymphopoietin as a biomarker of primary sjogren's syndrome and related lymphoproliferation. results in independent cohorts CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2020
ISG15 protects human Tregs from interferon alpha‐induced contraction in a cell‐intrinsic fashion CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY 2020
Tissue factor over-expression in platelets of patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome: induction role of anti-β2-GPI antibodies CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY 2019
Reduction of autophagy and increase in apoptosis correlates with a favorable clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-TNF drugs ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY 2019
Correction: Biomarkers of erosive arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus: Application of machine learning models (PLoS ONE (2018) 13: 12 (e0207926) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207926) PLOS ONE 2019
Dietary Habits Bursting into the Complex Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases: The Emerging Role of Salt from Experimental and Clinical Studies NUTRIENTS 2019
Alarmin HMGB1 and soluble RAGE as new tools to evaluate the risk stratification in patients with the antiphospholipid syndrome FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2019
The role of osteopontin as a candidate biomarker of renal involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2019
Retrospective evaluation of patient profiling and effectiveness of apremilast in an Italian multicentric cohort of psoriatic arthritis patients. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2019
Porphyromonas gingivalis and rheumatoid arthritis CURRENT OPINION IN RHEUMATOLOGY 2019
Musculoskeletal ultrasound in monitoring response to apremilast in psoriatic arthritis patients: results from a longitudinal study CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2019
Transitional care of young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Italy: results of a Delphi consensus survey CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2019
An observational multicentre study on the efficacy and safety of assisted reproductive technologies in women with rheumatic diseases RHEUMATOLOGY ADVANCES IN PRACTICE 2019
Mucosa-Environment Interactions in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis CELLS 2019
CD44v3 and CD44v6 isoforms on T cells are able to discriminate different disease activity degrees and phenotypes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients LUPUS 2019
Usefulness of composite indices in the assessment of joint involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: correlation with ultrasonographic score LUPUS 2019
Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage and autoimmune disease. from pathogenic mechanisms to disease susceptibility and phenotype INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2019

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