Paolo Simonetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
La "partita Hemingway": Hemingway e l'editoria italiana dal dopoguerra a oggi NOVECENTO TRANSNAZIONALE 2019
The Nineteenth Century Thomas Pynchon in Context 2019
Philip Roth, Romanzi 1998-2010, Notizie sui testi 2019
Daniel Quinn. Paul Auster (1947-) 100 Greatest Literary Detectives 2018
Contestatori, programmatori e dirottatori: "Cosmopolis" di Don DeLillo e "Bleeding Edge" di Thomas Pynchon Il Comune e/o l'Estraneo. Per una revisione del lessico concettuale euro-americano 2018
Philip Roth, romanzi 1991-1997. Philip Roth: un monologo a più voci. Notizie sui testi 2018
Ritratto di Salinger ENCICLOPEDIA ITALIANA 2018
The Old Melville and the Sea: Ideas of Harbor in Melville's Literary Career Harbors, Flows, and Migrations. The USA in/and the World 2017
Notizie sui testi volume 1 Philip Roth. Romanzi 1959-1986 2017
Hemingway: il senso della fine Addio alle armi 2016
Frammenti da uno scrittoio. Le donne, i cavallier, l'arme, gli amori del giovane Melville Frammenti da uno scrittoio 2016
Caccia grossa e scrittura: Hemingway contro tutti Verdi colline d'Africa 2016
Pynchon leads McHale through postmodernism's underworld (and the journey is really worth it!) ORBIT, WRITING AROUND PYNCHON 2016
11 settembre: il "ground zero" dell'informazione. Terrorismo e cospirazioni in "Bleeding Edge" Complotti e cospirazioni. Da Mussolini all'11 settembre 2016
Sylvia Plath La campana di vetro 2016
"He Could Go to Malta and Possibly End It": Malta as "Prime Location" in the Epilogue of "V." Dream Tonight of Peacock Tails: Essays on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Thomas Pynchon's "V." 2015
Dream Tonight of Thomas Pynchon Dream Tonight of Peacock Tails: Essays on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Thomas Pynchon 2015
Malamud: secondo atto 2015
"Schooled by the Inhuman Sea": Maritime Imagination and the Discourses of Emancipation in Herman Melville's "Clarel" Discourses of emancipation and the boundaries of freedom 2015
Retrospettiva: al posto del postmoderno Parodie della fine 2015


  • SH5
  • SH5_2
  • SH5_8

Interessi di ricerca

My main research interests lie in the investigation of postmodernism in literature, theory, and popular culture, with specific attention to the works of Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, Robert Coover, Paul Auster, William T. Vollmann. I am also particularly interested in the works of postwar and contemporary American writers such as Vladimir Nabokov, Bernard Malamud, Philip Roth, especially in their relationship with nineteenth-century US literary tradition. Another important field of research concerns the dialectics between skepticism and confidence (from a political, historical, philosophical, and religious perspective) in Herman Melville’s prose and poetical works, as well as the analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s literary works and ideas with specific attention to their influence on Melville’s poetics. I am also interested in the language of comics and graphic novels, and the historical and formal connection with non-graphic literature. I am currently investigating some experimental techniques (autofiction, postmemorial narratives, historiographic metafiction) employed by contemporary writers to reconfigure historical events and challenge traditional models of representation.


teoria letteraria
Romanzo e storia
letteratura contemporanea
letteratura americana
graphic novel

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