Angela Giambattista


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Shaping the hospital of the future. Improve the user experience in the public healthcare sector through service design education Proceedings of the DMI: ADMC 2020 conference 2020
Designing Cognitive Ergonomics Features of Medical Devices. Aspects of Cognitive Interaction THE DESIGN JOURNAL 2019
Design to Care: Education Experiences to design local healthcare services Cumulus Conference Proceedings Rovaniemi 2019 Around the Campfire – Resilience and Intelligence 27th May – 1st June 2019, Rovaniemi, Finland 2019
Design e medicina. Tra sinergie scientifiche ed esiti esperienziali DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2019
Design and Medicine. Between scientific synergies and experiential outcomes Design and Science, DIID disegno industriale | industrial design N°69/19 2019
Il design per l’healthcare. Metodi e strumenti per il progetto in ambito medicale SUL METODO SUI METODI, Esplorazioni per le identità del design. Forum nazionale dei dottorati di design 2018
Are we (still) Human? Diid. Disegno Industriale Industrial Design, n° 64/18, Design after Modernity. ISSN:1594-8528, ISBN: 9788832080087 DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2018
Design as a Driver for Innovation in the Healthcare Sector DESIGN PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 2018
Are we (still) Human? Design after Modernity, N°64/18, DIID disegno industriale | industrial design 2018
DESIGN & CHALLENGES Riflessioni sulle sfide contemporanee del Design DESIGN & CHALLENGES Riflessioni sulle sfide contemporanee del Design 2017
Designing Care. How Design can improve medical products for a therapeutic wellbeing Design for Next: Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017 2017
Design for care. Prodotti percettivi per il benessere terapeutico Fare ricerca in design. Forum nazionale dei dottorati di ricerca in design, seconda edizione 2016
Expression of Emotions by a Service Robot: A Pilot Study Design, User Experience, and Usability: Technological Contexts. DUXU 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9748. Springer, Cham 2016
Relazioni Connesse DIGIMAG 2016
GIAMBATTISTA A., Materialità programmabile, in Caruso I., Giambattista A., Migliore E., Digital Materials. La Nuova Materialità “Biologicamente Digitale”. ISSN 2037-2256 DIGIMAG 2015

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