Federica Rosso


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A cost-effective human-based energy-retrofitting approach Cost-effective energy efficient building retrofitting : materials, technologies, optimization and case studies 2017
Thermal comfort in the historical urban canyon: the effect of innovative materials ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Smart cool mortar for passive cooling of historical and existing buildings: experimental analysis and dynamic simulation ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Sviluppo, caratteristiche e applicazioni possibili di malte colorate cool per l'ambiente costruito Colloqui.AT.e 2017. DEMOLITION OR RECONSTRUCTION? 2017
Sviluppo, caratteristiche e applicazioni possibili di malte colorate cool per l’ambiente costruito Colloqui.AT.e 2017. DEMOLITION OR RECONSTRUCTION? 2017
Cool colored cement-based construction elements for the historical centers: development and thermal-energy performance assessment 17th CIRIAF National Congress - Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection 2017
On the impact of innovative materials on outdoor thermal comfort of pedestrians in historical urban canyons RENEWABLE ENERGY 2017
Nudging citizen scientists: participation, motivation, and learning in energy demand management Tendenze Nuove negli studi economico-aziendali. L’evoluzione dei rapporti azienda-società 2017
Investigation of the impact of subjective and physical parameters on the indoor comfort of occupants. A case study in central Italy ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
On innovative cool-colored materials for building envelopes: Balancing the architectural appearance and the thermal-energy performance in historical districts SUSTAINABILITY 2017
Cool concrete for building envelope and urban paving application. 2016
Natural materials for thermal insulation and passive cooling application Materials and Construction Technologies for Sustainable Development 2016
Translucent marbles for building envelope applications. Weathering effects on surface lightness and finishing when exposed to simulated acid rain CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2016
On the thermal and visual pedestrians' perception about cool natural stones for urban paving. A field survey in summer conditions BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
Cool marble building envelopes. The effect of aging on energy performance and aesthetics SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Experiences and considerations on the reduction and reuse of stone waste while optimizing their thermal energy performance for the building sector International Sustainable Stone Conference Proceedings Book 2016
Experimental analysis of marble building envelope degradation caused by acid rain: optic characteristics and color change Proceedings of the 16th CIRIAF National Congress Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection 2016
Traditional and innovative materials for energy efficiency in buildings Key Engineering Materials 2016
An integrated sustainable approach, based on peer production and collaborative product development, to deliver commercial products: an entrepreneurial opportunity R&D Management Conference 2016. From science to society: innovation and value creation 2016
Collaborative product development and peer production as an innovative integrated approach to deliver sustainable marketable products, a case study 16th CIRIAF National Congress. Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection 2016

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