Gaetano Fusco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Analysis and monitoring of post-COVID mobility demand in Rome resulting from the adoption of sustainable mobility measures TRANSPORT POLICY 2021
Investigation and modeling on drivers’ route and departure time choices from a big data set of floating car data 2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, MT-ITS 2021 2021
Toward the development of a hybrid approach to speed estimation in urban and rural areas TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION 2021
Modeling Car following with Feed-Forward and Long-Short Term Memory Neural Networks TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2021
Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach to Solve the Problem of Containers Reshuffling in an Inland Terminal TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2021
A Simulation-Optimization Method for Signal Synchronization with Bus Priority and Driver Speed Advisory to Connected Vehicles TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2020
Analysis of Road Safety Speed from Floating Car Data TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2020
Coherence analysis of road safe speed and driving behaviour from floating car data IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 2020
A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Solution of the Transit Network Design Problem SMART CITIES 2020
Covid-19 Transport Analytics. Analysis of Rome Mobility During Coronavirus Pandemic Era Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems 2020
On Transport Monitoring and Forecasting during COVID-19 Pandemic in Rome TRANSPORT AND TELECOMMUNICATION 2020
Optimization and Simulation Approach of Containers handling operations at Intermodal Terminals ADVANCES IN TRANSPORTATION STUDIES 2019
Transit network design for small-medium size cities TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Leveraging gis data and topological information to infer trip chaining behaviour at macroscopic level MT-ITS 2019: 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Cracow University of Technology, 5-7 June 2019, Kraków, Poland 2019
Experimental analyses and clustering of travel choice behaviours by floating car big data in a large urban area IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 2018
'Big Data' opportunities for new transport models and services INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA 2018
Geometrical and functional criteria as a methodological approach to implement a new cycle path in an existing Urban Road Network: A Case study in Rome SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Dynamic O-D demand estimation: Application of SPSA AD-PI method in conjunction with different assignment strategies JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 2018
Rail Freight Network in Europe: Opportunities Provided by Re-launching the Single Wagonload System World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2016 ShanghaiTRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2017
Traffic dynamics estimation by using raw floating car data 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems : Napoli, Hotel Royal Continental, 26-28 June 2017 : proceedings MT-ITS 2017 2017

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