Marco Carpiceci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Model and experience. Measuring deformations of rupestrian architectures in the area of Goreme Hypogea 2017. Proceeding of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 2017
The rock-cut settlement and the courtyard complex of Sahinefendi (Nevsehir, Turkey) Hypogea 2017. Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 2017
The decreasing fortune of the drawing in the architectural processes. From control & development to verification Handbook of research on emerging technologies for cultural heritage 2017
In un foglio del Manoscritto B il ponte tra Leonardo e Francesco di Giorgio Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione 2017
Tra memoria e progetto. La modellazione delle volte sul foglio 10 del Codice B di Leonardo da Vinci 3D Modeling & BIM Progettazione, design, proposte per la ricostruzione 2017
La rivoluzione del rilevamento architettonico. Santa Prassede, un rilievo (in corso) per la conoscenza SVMMA 2017
The digital model of the S.Zenone chapel inside Santa Prassede in Rome. A case study for the morphological analysis 23rd Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia 2017
Hermann Maertens e der Optische-Maassstab. La fisiologia della visione al servizio della Raumkunst Transdisziplinarität in kunst, design, architektur und kunstgeschichte 2017
Mediated representations after laser scanning. The Monastery of Aynalı and the architectural role of red pictograms Caa 2015. Keep the revolution going 2016
Conveying Cappadocia. A new representation model for rock-cave architecture by contour lines and chromatic codes VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW 2016
Il disegno come traccia del pensiero progettuale di Leonardo da Vinci Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management 2016
I modelli digitali per Leonardo da Vinci. Le carte 18v e 19r del Codice B 3D Modeling & BIM. Applicazioni e possibili futuri sviluppi 2016
Digital model, acquisition and processing; the new tecnologies for architectural survey Italian-Egyptian Workshop on Sciences and Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage I 2016
Mediated Representations After Laser Scanning. The Monastery of Aynali and the Architectural Role of Red Pictograms CAA2015 Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2016
Modelli digitali e architettura rupestre. Il rilievo del cono di Santa Barbara a Goreme 3DModeling&BIM. Applicazioni e possibili futuri sviluppi 2016
Gaspar van Wittel and the visual model of Rome by the Tiber Uniscape en route n.3. Recovering river landscape 2016
Il rilievo quale sistema di indagine di una struttura complessa. L'esedra dell’Open Air Museum di Goreme Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management 2016
Between landscape and architecture. Envisioning cappadocian rupestrian monastery through colorful contour lines ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0. 8th international congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Proceedings 2016
Mediated representations after laser scanning. The Monastery of Aynalı and the architectural role of red pictograms CAA 2015. 43 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Annual Conference. Book of Abstracts 2015
Laser scanning and automated photogrammetry for the knowledge and the representation of the architecture cave in Cappadocia. Sahinefendi and the open air museum in Goreme CAA2014. 21st Century archaeology concepts, methods and tools. Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference on computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology 2015

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