Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Numerical modeling of urban microclimate in a real compact area in the Mediterranean region: impact of urban morphology | Proceedings of the 7th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 2017) | 2017 |
Wind-speed profile and roughness sublayer depth modelling in urban boundary layers | BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY | 2016 |
Estimates of turbulence parameters from satellite-tracked drifters | EESMS 2016 : 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems : proceedings : June 13-14, 2016, Bari, Italy | 2016 |
Micrometeorological simulations over a coastal area using CALMET model. Atmosphere monitoring | EESMS 2016 : 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, proceedings June 13-14, 2016, Bari, Italy | 2016 |
Semi enclosed basin monitoring and analysis of meteo, wave, tide and current data. Sea monitoring | EESMS 2016 : 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, proceedings June 13-14, 2016, Bari, Italy | 2016 |
Turbulence properties of the urban boundary layer | Atti del 35º Convegno nazionale di idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche. Ambiente, risorse, energia: le sfide dell'ingegneria delle acque in un mondo che cambia | 2016 |
Relative dispersion analysis of GLAD surface drifters in the Gulf of Mexico | Atti del 35º Convegno nazionale di idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche. Ambiente, risorse, energia: le sfide dell'ingegneria delle acque in un mondo che cambia | 2016 |
Sensitivity of the basin-scale internal wave structure in a prealpine lake to wind distribution | Atti del 35º Convegno nazionale di idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche. Ambiente, risorse, energia: le sfide dell'ingegneria delle acque in un mondo che cambia | 2016 |
Water channel investigation of flow and dispersion in street canyons | HARMO 2016 - 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings | 2016 |
Numerical modelling of urban microclimate in a compact urban area: a case study for Rome | IN-VENTO 2016, Conference Proceedings XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering | 2016 |
Thermal vulnerability of compact urban tissues: CFD simulation and validation | Proceedings of the Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 : Towards a better urban future in an interconnected age | 2016 |
Numerical study of the urban geometrical representation impact in a surface energy budget model | ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS | 2015 |
An alternative wind profile formulation for urban areas in neutral conditions | ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS | 2015 |
Water-Channel study of flow and turbulence past a two-dimensional array of obstacles | BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY | 2015 |
On the effect of the aspect ratio on flow and turbulence over a two-dimensional street canyon | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION | 2015 |
Analytical solutions of the balance equation for the scalar variance in one-dimensional turbulent flows under stationary conditions | ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS | 2015 |
Lagrangian micromixing modelling of reactive scalar statistics. Scalar mixing layer in decaying grid turbulence | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION | 2015 |
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