Claudia Minniti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Atti dell’8° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia 2019
The Italian Archaeological Expedition in the Erbil Plain, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Preliminary Report on the 2016-2018 Excavations at Helawa, Mesopotamia MESOPOTAMIA 2019
New data on non‐human primates from the ancient Near East: The recent discovery of a rhesus macaque burial at Shahr‐i Sokhta (Iran) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY 2019
Variabilità dimensionale e sviluppo dei caprovini in Italia durante l’età del Ferro Atti dell'8° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia 2019
New evidence on purple dye production from the Bronze Age settlement of Coppa Nevigata (Apulia, Italy) Textiles and dyes in the Mediterranean cconomy and societiy. Proceedings of the VIth International symposium on textiles and dyes in the ancient Mediterranean world 2018
Infant burials related to inhabited areas in Rome. New results for understanding socio-cultural structures of an ancient community From Invisible to visible. New methods and data for the archaeology of infant and child burials in pre-Roman Italy and beyond 2018
Le sepolture dell’area centrale di Roma. Alcune riflessioni su dati noti e recenti acquisizioni SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 2018
Caprine varieties in Italy in the Iron Age: the evidence from zooarchaeological data Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society 2018
Faithful unto death. Burial, legend and heroism of the dog from Antiquity to the contemporary Age ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE: MUSEOLOGIA SCIENTIFICA E NATURALISTICA 2018
Changes in lifestyle in ancient Rome (Italy) across the Iron Age/Roman transition: the evidence from animal remains The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology 2017
Ricerche archeozoologiche a Vaste Fondo Melliche: analisi dei resti animali provenienti da uno scarico votivo (US 243) STUDI DI ANTICHITÀ 2017
The role of chicken in the medieval food system: evidence from Central Italy TMA 2017
Concerning the extinction of the wild horse in Italy and the newly introduction as domesticate: recent evidence from Grotta dei Cervi - Porto Badisco (Lecce, south Italy) Proceedings of the 3rd IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2017
Dinamiche di sfruttamento ambientale e animale in Puglia nell’età del Bronzo Preistoria e Protostoria della Puglia 2017
Meat consumption as identity of status and profession during the Middle Ages: a review of the zooarchaeological evidence from Rome and Latium (Italy) Objects, Environment and Everyday life in Medieval Europe 2016
Studi sul sacrificio animale nel Mediterraneo antico: alcuni contesti a confronto Santuari mediterranei tra oriente e occidente. Interazioni e contatti culturali 2016
Le hostiae animals dalla fossa ritual del saggio IV Materiali per Populonia 2015
I resti faunistici del Castello di Alceste (San Vito dei Normanni –BR) contributo allo studio delle pratiche sacrificali nella Messapia arcaica STUDI DI ANTICHITÀ 2015

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