Gabriella Galluccio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Cranio-cervical posture and rapid palatal expansion therapy JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTIC SCIENCE 2022
Phenotypes, genotypes, and treatment options of primary failure of eruption: a narrative review ORAL 2022
Factors affecting duration of post-surgical orthodontics in the Surgery First/Early Approach: a retrospective study JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2022
The cornea as a reference point in orthodontic diagnosing, a retrospective study LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2022
Severe side effects on all the anterior lower teeth of a bonded retainer: a clinical case : Gravi effetti collaterali sui denti anteriori inferiori di un retainer fisso: un caso clinico DENTAL CADMOS 2022
Correlation between generalised joint hypermobility and temporomandibular joint disc displacement in adolescent patients: Magnetic Resonance Imaging study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 2022
Perceived preparedness of dental academic institutions to cope with the covid-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Periodontal evaluation of palatally impacted maxillary canines treated by closed approach with ultrasonic surgery and orthodontic treatment: a retrospective pilot study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
A current tool in facial aesthetics perception of orthodontic patient: The digital warping DENTAL CADMOS 2021
Is the use of clear aligners a real critical change in oral health prevention and treatment? LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2021
Clear aligners: between evolution and efficiency—a scoping review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Assessment of maxillary canting on cone beam computed tomography and digital models: a retrospective study and proposal of a method JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY, ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2021
Orthodontics and smartphones: trends, potential and usefulness in clinical practice DENTAL CADMOS 2021
Comparative evaluation of esthetic and structural aspects in class ii functional therapy. A case-control retrospective study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Uncovering and autonomous eruption of palatally impacted canines—a case report DENTISTRY JOURNAL 2021
Disinclusion of palatally impacted canines with surgical and photobiomodulating action of a Diode Laser: Case series APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Perceived pain during rapid maxillary expansion (RME): trends, anatomical distinctions, and age and gender correlations PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT 2021
The vista approach in canine disimpaction METHODS AND PROTOCOLS 2021
Thermographic control of pediatric dental patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics using smartphones PESQUISA BRASILEIRA EM ODONTOPEDIATRIA E CLÍNICA INTEGRADA 2021
Guided insertion of temporary anchorage device in form of orthodontic titanium miniscrews with customized 3D templates—A systematic review with meta-analysis of clinical studies COATINGS 2021

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