Francesca Belotti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
#NiUnaMenos and the mobilizing force of femicide in Argentina ICA 2020 Pre-Conference: Digital Media in Latin America 2020
“I do it my way”. Idioms of practice and digital media ideologies of adolescents and older adults NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY 2020
‘Youngsplaining’ and moralistic judgements. Exploring ageism through the lens of digital ‘media ideologies’ AGEING AND SOCIETY 2020
El #NiUnaMenos argentino: ¿cuánto y cómo se habla de feminicidio en Twitter? IAMCR 2019 2019
Los medios de pueblos originarios en América Latina: historia, aproximaciones y desafíos Hacia un periodismo indígena 2019
Exploring ageism and media ideologies through the lens of social media. TrentAging 2019 2019
Are the indigenous media community media? Experiences of native peoples’ media practices in Argentina ETHNICITIES 2018
Los medios indígenas en la Argentina de la Ley 26.522 de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual ICA 2018 Pre-Conference Media and Governance in Latin America 2018
Media between public and private sector: towards a definition of “community media” LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 2018
“What the others think I do…What I actually do (on social media)”. Exploring ageism and media ideologies through the lens of social media ECREA 2018 2018
Los medios indígenas en Argentina. Caracterización y desafíos a partir de la experiencia de dos radios kollas ANUARIO ELECTRÓNICO DE ESTUDIOS EN COMUNICACIÓN SOCIAL "DISERTACIONES" 2018
Women, youth and everything else. Age-based and gendered stereotypes in relation to digital technology among elderly Italian mobile phone users MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY 2017
'The communal' in school and indigenous radio. Evidence from the North of Argentina THE RADIO JOURNAL 2017
Are indigenous peoples’ media community media? Experiences of indigenous mediatized communication in Argentina IAMCR 2017 2017
The hydropolitical challenges of domestic water conservation. Palestine and Tunisia case studies REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE 2016
La comunicación comunitaria en Argentina frente a la ley 26.522 de servicios de comunicación audiovisual. El estudio de caso de la provincia de Misiones JOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES 2016
Community media and the relationship between territorial proximity and content production: experiences from the North of Argentina ECREA 2016 Pre-Conference 2016
Community media as an exercise of communicative citizenship. Experiences from Argentina and Ecuador/Medios comunitarios como ejercicio de ciudadanía comunicativa: experiencias desde Argentina y Ecuador COMUNICAR 2016
La comunicación comunitaria más allá de la lógica binaria público vs privado: el estudio de caso de la Provincia de Misiones (Argentina) ECREA-IIC 2015 Communication, Development and Human Rights: social change and media flows 2015
Political participation and commons. The case study of the “Water Common Good” referendum THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY 2015


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Interessi di ricerca

media practices of grassroots movements and communities

digital media practices across generations

ICT-related sexist and ageist stereotypes


mass media media digitali ecosistema mediale effetti
movimenti sociali
Femicide – Violence Against Women – Social Media
Ageing Society

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma